Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Photos wanted!

Attn: teen photographers! Or writers who dabble in photography :D

I'd love to have more photos submitted.

They can either be photo submissions on a topic of your choice--as long as they're high quality photos. And I'm still considering the cover, so a photo submitted *may* go on the front cover of the magazine!

It'd also be beyond awesome if there were photo submissions of the following, since they go along with the short stories appearing in the next issue:

1. A teenage girl dancing ballet
2. A boy and girl kissing/close together under a peach tree/some sort of tree at twilight/nighttime.
3. Something that encompasses "Endeavor"
4. The theme of love
5. Sky at night
6. Nature pictures
7. Girl in a dress
8. Park and bench with young boy on it.

But those are just pictures that would go along with the stories/poetry.

I'd love to see submissions on just about anything too--be creative!

Email in JPEG or TIFF format to, with your name, age, and city or state of residence. See the submissions guidelines in the posts below for more detailed instructions.


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